Book Review: ‘Growing Up’ by Robby Gallaty

In addition to the professional reading I endeavor to catch up on each summer, I step up the pace of my study of books on Christian living. I had been looking forward to reading “Growing Up” by Robby Gallaty since I the first of the year.

GrowingUpI received this book as a Christmas gift from a member of my small group, whose daughter attends Gallaty’s church in the Nashville area. It is a worthy entry in the “so you’re a new Christian” genre.

Gallaty has a dynamic testimony and an apparently proven method for growing a church through discipleship groups. The bulk of the book is about basic spiritual discipline and its value in growing in the Christian faith. If you are a new believer or have been away from a serious life of faith for a long time, this is a good place to get on track, or back on track.

Frankly the book would be stronger if it were positioned for church leaders or for new believers. It tries to do both and only fully succeeds at the latter.

Perhaps Gallaty has created a guide for discipleship group leaders that better explains his rationale. But in contrast to “The Divine Mentor” by Wayne Cordiero, which shares the method of Bible study he pioneered, Gallaty in this book leads the reader through a series of steps new Christians should take to be more fully engaged in the Kingdom life.

I’d recommend this book for a new believer who wants to mature in Christ quickly. It’s less important for someone who has been walking with Jesus for a number of years.


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